Leverage our experience and toolset to achieve rapid, affordable mobile delivery
Industry estimates typically vary from $6,500 to $10,000 for basic mobile applications, and $20,000+ for larger apps. In addition to costs for licenses, development platforms and graphic design mobile development typically costs $100 per hour. Most small to medium sized organizations simply don't have the budget to support this kind of undertaking.
WaveMobile's approach is to reduce costs through reuse, flexibility and simplicity, and offer a comparable mobile app for $1,000.
Development costs include licenses, software, development systems, and of course human effort in the form of development, testing and deployment services. Normally these costs can be prohibitive to all but the largest organizations. WaveMobile reuses many of these resources without having to build them from scratch each time, saving us time and you money.
WaveMobile's mobile application framework is designed to allow rapid application development using a proven design. Not only does this result in a rock-solid application, but it significantly reduces development cycles and turn-around time.
WaveMobile applications are also simple - let's face it, we're not building Angry Birds here, and that's not what most organizations need to get their brand into the mobile space. Instead, we have focused on honing the features that you need; pin drops of your locations, tap to call contact screens, push notifications and more.