Ransomware Preparation

The average cost of a data breach: $3.86 million

Prepare for a potential ransomware attack before it strikes. Crypto Logic Canada (CLC) can help assess your readiness and strengthen your ability to respond to a potential attack. Crypto Logic Canada delivers this capability through a one-day Ransomware Tabletop Exercise (TTX) to increase readiness and help prepare your organization for the unthinkable.

The purpose of the TTX is to provide a safe learning opportunity for IT staff and senior management, through a series of realistic and challenging scenarios. Our team provides guidance and mentoring so your team feels empowered to respond with confidence.

CLC recommends a preparation period to allow us to understand how your organization operates, who the key players are, and where your strengths and opportunities lie in order to develop a custom exercise aimed at providing the best value and learning opportunity for your team. The TTX typically runs a full day, but can be compressed to a half day where desired.

We end by providing a comprehensive After Action Report, including a series of recommendations to consider in order to strengthen your organization against attack, and increase resilience and recovery.

Crypto Logic has delivered this training to government and industry organizations.

Contact us for more information, or to schedule your Ransomware Exercise.